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5 Easy DIY Christmas Decorations to Save Money and Add a Personal Touch

on December 09, 2022

5 Easy DIY Christmas Decorations to Save Money and Add a Personal Touch

Are you trying to save some cash on your holiday decorations without sacrificing on the festive cheer? We've got you covered! Here are five easy DIY Christmas decoration ideas that will add a personal touch to your home and help you keep some dough in your pocket.

Pinecone garland: Go on a pinecone hunt in your backyard or a local park and string them together with some ribbon or twine. Feel free to get creative and add some glitter or paint for an extra touch of holiday glam. Hang the garland on your mantel or over a doorway for a natural and rustic touch.

Cinnamon stick candles: Fill your home with the warm and cozy scent of cinnamon by making your own cinnamon stick candles. Simply melt some old candles or wax in a saucepan, throw in some ground cinnamon, and pour the mixture into small mason jars. Add a wick and let the candles cool and harden. You can even mix in some essential oils for a personalized fragrance. Bonus points if you use a cute jar and make it Instagram-worthy.

Popcorn and cranberry garland: This is a fun activity to do with the kids and the result is a colorful and tasty garland. Thread some popcorn and cranberries onto a string and hang it on your tree. The popcorn will provide a nice contrast to the shiny ornaments, and the cranberries will add a pop of color. Bonus points if you eat a few while you're at it because #treatyoself.

Salt dough ornaments: Make your own salt dough by mixing together 1 cup of flour, 1/2 cup of salt, and 1/2 cup of water. Roll out the dough and use cookie cutters to cut out your desired shapes. Use a straw to make a hole for hanging, and bake the ornaments in the oven at 300 degrees for about an hour. Once they are cool, you can paint them and add some glitter for a festive touch. Or, you know, just eat them because they're probably delicious.

Mason jar snow globes: This is a fun and easy DIY project that will add a touch of whimsy to your Christmas decorations. Fill a mason jar with water and add some glitter, small plastic figurines, and a few drops of glycerin (to make the glitter fall more slowly). Glue the lid to the jar, and you have a homemade snow globe. You can add a ribbon or some artificial snow around the jar for an extra festive touch. Or just use real snow because it's the holidays and anything goes.

Making your own Christmas decorations is not only a budget-friendly way to decorate your home, but it also adds a personal touch to your holiday season. Give these DIY ideas a try and add a unique and handmade touch to your Christmas decorations. Just don't forget to have fun and embrace the holiday spirit!


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